
Ron Miscavige • The Vicious Wife Beater Still in Denial

A blog from those who knew Ron

Ron Miscavige continues rewriting his sordid history of domestic violence toward his late wife and his two daughters as if he can erase his reprehensible lifelong behavior toward women.

Ron famously stumbled when clumsily trying to whitewash his past to television host Megyn Kelly when she pressed him on how many times he beat his wife. Not only did Ron confess to beating his late wife Loretta, the number of times he admitted to doing it while the cameras were rolling was jaw dropping: “Maybe all the time, over a 10-year period—would happen maybe once a month or something like that.”

That comes to a staggering 120 times that Ron Miscavige admits to punching his wife! (According to his daughters, Ron beat their mother far more often, on average twice a week.) What makes it even more disturbing was Ron’s nonchalant manner, mentioning the number as if he was reciting an innocuous statistic.

Not only did Ron confess to beating his late wife Loretta, the number of times he admitted to doing it while the cameras were rolling was jaw dropping.

It’s important to step back and recognize what Ron Miscavige was referring to doing at least 120 times—pummeling a woman with his fists. This gets to the heart of one of most despicable things about Ron Miscavige—he not only is in denial, he engages in the classic wife-beater behavior of “blaming the victims.” Ron shows phony empathy by claiming it now “pains” him to admit he punched Loretta while in the same breath trying to downplay and minimize what he did. Did it “pain” him that he beat her for over 10 years? Did it “pain” him to break her ribs? Did it “pain” him to leave her face black and blue? Did it “pain” him to beat her while she was pregnant?

Ron shows phony empathy by claiming it now “pains” him to admit he punched Loretta while in the same breath trying to downplay and minimize what he did. Did it “pain” him that he beat her for over 10 years? Did it “pain” him to break her ribs? Did it “pain” him to leave her face black and blue? Did it “pain” him to beat her while she was pregnant?

According to his daughters, Denise and Lori, Ron actually beat Loretta hundreds of times. He beat her until her eyes were black. So much for his spin that he never struck her in the face and only pushed her.

His daughters also tell the heartbreaking story of how he beat their mother when she was pregnant with their brother John, who died an hour after birth with multiple skeletal deformities. Loretta always blamed Ron for the death of their newborn son because of the horrid beatings he inflicted on her during pregnancy.

Loretta always blamed Ron for the death of their newborn son because of the horrid beatings he inflicted on her during pregnancy.

Ron’s dishonesty knows no bounds. When asked about it, Ron has said “…we tried to have another child but that baby died.” As if that erases the real story of how he repeatedly beat Loretta when she was pregnant with their baby. But Ron’s daughters remember the savagery of Ron’s beatings and the manner in which their mother had described to them her pain. A copy of the death certificate of baby John reveals their brother John died just one hour after birth with a crushed skull.

Ron’s daughters also recall that Ron broke their mother’s ribs, and that his savagery became so intolerable she fled to live with her sister, Ginny. According to Denise and Lori, Ron even threatened Loretta with a gun.

… that Ron broke their mother’s ribs, and that his savagery became so intolerable she fled to live with her sister, Ginny.

Denise and Lori say Ron’s mistreatment of their mother was horrendous in countless ways. They say their mother told them Ron was also a serial philanderer, often cheating on Loretta with her friends. He would spend time with prostitutes instead of his wife, while piling up phone bills calling sex lines. She also told them that when he traveled around as a Vollrath pots and pans salesman in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, and nearby New Jersey towns selling cookware to nurses and housewives, he would hit on women once inside their homes. That’s why Loretta was convinced Ron was guilty when he was arrested for attempted rape in 1985.

But it is his domestic violence in hitting the diminutive Loretta—all of 5’ 2”—that was especially despicable. Ron likes to claim “there were times” he punched her: “sometimes I did strike her” and “for the most part, though, we just fought with words.”

According to Denise and Lori, Ron even threatened Loretta with a gun.

But the truth is that Ron was out of control with his family struggling to reel him in. In a moment of introspection, on February 27, 1977, Ron authored a handwritten account as part of the family’s efforts to deal with his violent behavior that erupted after his younger son, David, the family’s moral compass, left home to join the religious order. Ron wrote:

“I hit Loretta and lose control of myself at times (this was reported before but I have done this again since reporting it) 4 or 5 times. Also, have choked her at times when I can’t get her to ack [acknowledge] my originations [ideas].”

But Ron was never fully honest. While on air, he insisted to Megyn Kelly that he stopped abusing his wife altogether by proclaiming “I never again even had the urge to strike her.” That’s a lie. He said in his own words: “I used to beat Loretta up prior to Scientology and have punched her several times since.”

The real truth is that Ron’s younger son, David, was able to rein Ron in as long as they were together. But when David left home, Ron was no longer held in check and lost control, resuming his domestic violence.

Ron also lied on camera by claiming he never punched his daughters. Ron’s own words along with the words of his family at that very time provide an irrefutable record that directly contradicts the revisionist history Ron tells now: that he “spanked the girls occasionally, but didn't abuse them.”

Ron himself, and other members of his family, described in detail how Ron used to beat his daughters. On September 26, 1972, Ron wrote: “…I used to hit the kids a lot… Now if I see it’s the only thing I can do, I’ll give them a punch.”

Further evidence that he lies in interviews about beating his children (after his younger son, the moral one, left home to serve his religion) are shown in the words of his late wife, along with his older son, Ronnie, and daughter Denise. Some 30 years ago they wrote:

  • “One time last weekend he hit one of the kids for answering him back.” – Loretta
  • “My father, Ron Miscavige […] beat Denise up with a belt buckle recently, a couple times. I don’t know the exact number.” – Ronnie
  • “Took me up, beat me with a strap, bruised my whole back and sent me to bed… This morning again he hit me again, I can’t remember for what reason… We are (I am) afraid my dad will hit us.” – Denise

Ron has always been afraid to look in the mirror and admit the monster he is and how much pain he has inflicted for decades on his family.

Ronald R.M. Miscavige mug shot
Public record documents reciting details of the arrest of Ron (Ronnie) Miscavige show one of the women he was seeing had been the victim of a
human trafficking investigation, strung out on heroin. Her image was stored in Ronnie’s cell phone. This is the same cell phone number advertised
to reach Ronnie as a Manager at Long & Foster Realty in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Court disposition: guilty.
Ron's warrant of arrest for solicitation of prostitution.
Ron Miscavige paid $5,000 bail.
Ron was fingerprinted.
Witness subpoena.
Command to summon Ron Miscavige.
Ron Miscavige’s rap sheet.