Ron Miscavige had it all. Not that he deserved it. After years of dishing out abuse to his family, he appeared to tow the line and follow the moral compass of the family, his younger son, to lead an ethical and religious life.
When Ron showed some change, his daughters and his younger son were willing to forgive his horrid years and wanted him to live out his life enjoying the camaraderie of a Church band, playing music, traveling the world and lavishing in the gifts bestowed on him by his younger son.
But for Ron Miscavige, an ethical life with friendship, family, happiness and gifts, including the Dom Perignon champagne gifted to Ron and his wife Becky at New Years, was not sufficient.
Ron likes to paint a very different picture, but the truth undermines his fake self-portrait of a moral authority and kindly patriarch in an Ozzie & Harriet fantasyland. Ron Miscavige had a long history of a life of no ethics—a life of no restraint.
In addition to regularly cheating on his wife Loretta, Ron brutally and repeatedly beat her and their daughters. His own admissions, made contemporaneous to his beatings, belie his statement that “It pains me to admit it now, and I regret ever doing it, but there were times when I punched Loretta. I never slapped or hit her in the face but, still, sometimes I did strike her. I might punch her in the arm or push her away when she was getting on me…”
Ron Miscavige’s and his family’s Knowledge Reports and Ethics Reports (which are part of Scientology ecclesiastical ethics and justice to aid spiritual progress and maintain harmony within the religious community) were written decades ago, shortly after some of the described attacks:
“I used to hit the kids a lot before Scientology. Now if I see it’s the only thing that I can do, I’ll give them a punch.”—Ron Miscavige
“I hit Loretta and lose control of myself at times (this was reported before but I have done this again since reporting it) 4 or 5 times. Also, have choked her at times when I can’t get her to ack [acknowledge] my originations
[ideas].”—Ron Miscavige
From one of his daughters: “My dad picked me up and on the way home he said ‘Denise if there was any f***in way to get rid of you I would if I knew you wouldn’t come back.’ Took me up, beat me with a strap, bruised my whole back and sent me to bed…This morning again he hit me again, I can’t remember for what reason… We are (I am) afraid my dad will hit us…”
In a season of reflection, one in which many ask for forgiveness, one would think that Ron Miscavige would take a moment, step back, look at all the wonderful experiences he had, the compassion that was shown him, and reach deep into his soul to feel some remorse. But no, that is not Ron Miscavige. For him, ’tis never the season of honesty, honor and truth.